Describe a learning task on the higher education/college level related to the theory

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains behavioral learning theory and relates it to a college-level learning task. You have the choice of either recording a screen-capture narration of your presentation or including written, detailed speaker’s notes in the “notes” section.
In your presentation:
Describe the perspective presented in the theory (1-2 slides).
Use scholarly research to support the perspective.
Describe a learning task on the higher education/college level related to the theory (1 slide).
Tasks should be in an educational setting.
Using at least two scholarly research articles, explain how the learning task applies the theory (1-2 slides).
Include references (1 slide).
Submission Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and format. See Evidence and APA.
Number of resources: Include a minimum of two current scholarly or professional resources.
Length of presentation: Create 6-8 typed slides, including the title and reference slides.
Font and font size: Use your creativity and images to enhance your presentation.

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