Describe an example of an actual event where discretion was poorly used.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Prompt: Your memorandum should include the following critical elements: 1. Describe an example of an actual event where discretion was poorly used. Explain why you think it was poorly used. 2. Describe an example of an actual event where discretion was correctly used. Explain why you think it was correctly used. 3. Reflect on how discretion was used and should have been used in your selected case study using the appropriate guiding questions listed below: 
The Flawed Emergency Response to 1992 LA Riots (SELECTED CASE STUDY) 
 Discuss some of the mistakes that were made in the police response that may have led to further unrest.  Explain how you believe discretion should have been used in this situation and what law enforcement can learn from this event in order to build trust between the community and law enforcement.

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