Describe any ethical issues you might face if you attempted to carry out your qualitative data collection

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Use the uploaded document as guidance to answer the questions below:
Designing Qualitative Research and other documents
Answer the following questions about the research questions you crafted in Module 1: Concept Development and Workplace Application as if you were actually going to carry out a qualitative assessment in your workplace.

1. What is your qualitative research question (can revise what was previously submitted)?
2. What would be your sample size?
3. Who would be your participants?
4. Who would be the “gatekeepers” (people who control your access to the research participants)?
5. What would be the source of the data you would collect?
6. Describe any access issues you might face if you attempted to carry out your qualitative data collection in your workplace.
7. Describe any ethical issues you might face if you attempted to carry out your qualitative data collection in your workplace.

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