Describe at least one or two ways the theories and research in Martin’s book applies to everyday life

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Describe, in your own words, your understanding what we have studied in Rod Martin’s book, The Psychology of Humor. Describe at least one or two ways the theories and research in Martin’s book applies to everyday life (the workplace, relationships, education, social environments or other areas), and incorporate how the theories in John Morreall’s book, Comic Relief: A Complete Philosophy of Humor apply to and are seen in your example(s). The main theories from Morreall to consider are: Superiority, Incongruity, Relief and Relaxation.
It’s important to compare, contrast and integrate your writing in this paper. Do not simply itemize each type of theory, as you would a grocery list. Include more than one academic discipline in each paragraph wherever possible and demonstrate that you see how those disciplines, as well as the theories integrate or relate to each other.
Here is a link to the textbook

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