Describe four proven strategies used to answer NCLEX style questions. 

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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1.The Standards of Practice and NCLEX Style Questions ( Week 4)
2.Describe four proven strategies used to answer NCLEX style questions. 
3.Discuss how the ANA Standards of Practice are tested using the NCLEX style of questions. 
4 Discuss how patient care needs can be prioritized using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
5. Identify how patient safety is often tested with NCLEX style of questions.  
6. Identify NCLEX style of questions which are testing therapeutic communication skills. 
7. Discuss how to eliminate options which indicate the use of poor therapeutic communication. 
8. Discuss how to identify options which indicate appropriate therapeutic communication. 
9. Identify three areas which often cause problems for NCLEX test takers. 

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