Describe how environmental factors may play a role in criminal justice agencies needing funding.

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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For this article review, you are required to locate an article about a city, county, or state agency that accepted private funding. The article you review should be at least two pages in length. Explain the circumstances surrounding this article. Also, be sure to address these questions in your response.
Do you agree or disagree with accepting private funds for the agency and program in the article you chose? Why, or why not?
Describe how environmental factors may play a role in criminal justice agencies needing funding.
Were there any outside factors that played a role in the agency needing and accepting this funding?
Can you think of any other ways that funding could have been secured other than private funds? Did the agency attempt to secure any other sources of funding prior to accepting private funds?
Do you feel the organization donating funds has any influence on policy? Why, or why not?
Your article review must be at least two pages in length. You must use at least two peer-reviewed or academic sources to support your article review. All sources used must have APA style citations and references. APA formatting of the article review is otherwise not required.

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