Describe how the issue may negatively affect public perception of the criminal justice system.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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1. Issue Presented: Summarize the issue in the form of a brief one-sentence question. 2. Short Answer: Provide a short answer which summarizes the conclusion of the paper. 3. Statement of Facts: Describe how the issue may negatively affect public perception of the criminal justice system. 4. Discussion: Provide a brief discussion of the issue, including the recent history of the issue and any legal precedents related to it. 5. Conclusion: Provide a conclusion based on the details of the issue outlined in the Discussion section. 6. Recommendations: a) What recommendations should be in place to make sure that the jury pool contains a fair cross section of the community? b) What are types of evidence-based practices can be employed to have people of lower socioeconomic status more willing to serve on a jury? c) Based on your analysis of the issue using conflict theory, what are the best practices to ensure random selection of individuals to serve on a jury? d) Address what the impact of this issue is on the criminal justice system. Are more organizations than only courts affected by this? Include examples of the impact on the different branches of the criminal justice system.

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