Describe how the motive of belonging contributes to your social change identity.

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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In this milestone, you will reflect upon aspects of your identity using Susan Fiske’s 5 Core Social Motives to prepare you for Project One. You may want to revisit A Review of Susan Fiske 5 Core Social Motives PDF.
For this assignment, you will apply each of the five core social motives to reflect on your social change identity. Address the following in 3 to 5 sentences for each criterion:
Describe how the motive of belonging contributes to your social change identity.
Describe how the motive of understanding contributes to your social change identity.
Describe how the motive of controlling contributes to your social change identity.
Describe how the motive of enhancing self contributes to your social change identity.
Describe how the motive of trusting contributes to your social change identity.
Describe how your knowledge of the five core social motives can help you to counter the effects of social changes.

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