Describe how you would educate others in the health care environment on the policy change you would like to make.

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Part 1:

To start building your final project, please identify three processes at your site that enhance patient care, health care delivery, or health care management. These can be policies, daily routines, even informal things that you find happening at your site that improves patient care.

Part 2:

Of the processes described in your prior assignment, select one and elaborate on what need caused it to develop. Does this process effectively enhance health care delivery at your site?

Part 3:

Focusing on the one process you isolated in the last part of the final project, how could the process described be improved? How would you attempt to change policy?

Part 4:

Based on your previous answer, describe how you would educate others in the health care environment on the policy change you would like to make.

Part 5:

The final question to reflect on for your semester project and identify cultural and practical barriers to implementing your plan.

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