Describe some of the tools used to monitor network performance.

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Using Ford Motors and following the assessment 4 template + previous assignments
For this assessment, you will develop a network management strategy. Such a strategy can add value to your network by improving and updating your monitoring tools and ensuring that you are up-to-date with all of the processes and procedures needed to quantify risks to your network.
Prepare a 3 page network management strategy that you could present to the CIO of the organization you have selected. Your strategy should support the design of your network that you completed in the previous assessments.
Within your network management strategy:
Explain the role of network management.
Describe at least three tools used for network management.
Describe at least three tools used to monitor network performance.
Explain the role that remote access plays in managing a network.
Propose a strategy for managing the organization’s network infrastructure.
The assessment you submit should be 3 pages in length, including the diagram you create. Be sure your document is professionally written, free of errors, and that your citations and references follow APA guidelines.
Additional Requirements
Use the following template: Assessment 4 format.docx
Include a title page and references page.
At least three recent, relevant, and professional resources.
Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.
Ensure you are following the scoring guide; this is how I will grade your paper:
Explain the role of network management.
Describe some of the tools used for network management.
Describe some of the tools used to monitor network performance.
Explain the role that remote access plays in managing a network.
Propose a strategy for managing the organization’s network infrastructure.

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