Describe the basic principles of bioenergetics in animal cell.

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Read and evaluate at least two of your peer’s postings and compose substantial in-depth responses for both.
Include examples in your discussion.
Use APA guidelines to cite references.
Correct grammar and spelling are required.
How to Participate:
Once you read the discussion question, select REPLY to post your answers
MARCOS – Describe the basic principles of bioenergetics in animal cell.
“All animals must obtain their energy from food they ingest or absorb. These nutrients are converted to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for short-term storage and use by all cells. Some animals store energy for slightly longer times as glycogen, and others store energy for much longer times in the form of triglycerides housed in specialized adipose” tissues… .
How is the flow and transformation of energy different in photosynthetic cell?
“Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration start with one type of energy and convert it to another, but the types involved are different. Photosynthesis uses light energy to make complex molecules in an anabolic reaction, and cellular respiration breaks down those molecules to release energy in a catabolic reaction”,catabolic%20reaction (Links to an external site.)..
“What is the role of ATP and enzymes in energy production and/or storage?
ATP can power cellular processes by transferring a phosphate group to another molecule. Transfer is carried out by special enzymes that couple the release of energy from ATP to cellular activities that require energy”
KATHLEEN- Describe the basic principles of bioenergetics in animal cell.
Stated in Libre texts, all animals must obtain their energy from the food that they ingest. “These nutrients are converted to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for short-term storage and use by all cells. Some animals store energy for slightly longer times as glycogen, while others store energy for much longer times in the form of triglycerides housed in specialized adipose tissues”.The energy expelled by the exergonic reactions of Catabolic Pathways is stored in ATP. The energy emitted by its hydrolysis to ADP pushes the Endorgenic reactions of Anabolic Pathways which synthesize the intricate molecules. In these transfers and transformations, some energy is lost as heat.
How is the flow and transformation of energy different in photosynthetic cell?
According to the website, “photosynthetic organisms have developed several strategies to route electrons toward alternative outlets that allow for storage or harmless dissipation of their energy” Cellular respiration and photosynthesis both begin with a single type of energy that gets transferred to another. Photosynthesis uses light while cellular respiration breaks up molecules.
What is the role of ATP and enzymes in energy production and/or storage?
Regarding this question, I was explained by a biology teacher a few years back to view ATP as gasoline and enzymes as your car. If you don’t have any gas in your tank (ATP) you won’t be able to go anywhere.
Saroussi, S., Karns, D. A., Thomas, D. C., Bloszies, C., Fiehn, O., Posewitz, M. C., & Grossman, A. R. (2019). Alternative outlets for sustaining photosynthetic electron transport during dark-to-light transitions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(23), 11518-11527
Libretexts. (2022, June 2). 33.1E: Animal Bioenergetics. Biology LibreTexts. Retrieved June 2, 2022, from…

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