Describe the connection between online pornography and erectile dysfunction.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Over 18: The Question is Not Enough
Before you start the assignment do the following:
View the video and take notes
Read and comprehend the accompanying chapter
View the rubric and/or evaluation criteria
Instructions | Please use your FAU credentials to access and view the film following the link below. Click on the film to the “Watch Now” button.
Kanopy Documentary Film | Over 18: The Question is Not Enough (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Directed by: TEDx | Filmmakers: Jared Brock, Michelle Brock (2018) | Length: 76 mins.
About the Film | OVER 18 is a clear-eyed examination of modern pornography and its effects on kids, teens, parents, and porn stars. In addition to interviews with porn producers, ex-porn stars, and academics, filmmakers Jared and Michelle Brock highlight the story of Joseph, a 13-year-old boy who is recovering from a porn addiction that he fell into when he was nine years old. OVER 18 compares the porn of the magazine era with what it has become in the age of the internet and demonstrates why kids, in particular, are susceptible to addiction.
Discussion Post | Please answer the following questions.
1. Identify at least THREE incidences of online sexual deviance seen in the film. Explain why each of those incidences represent deviance. (Base your answers on information from the film and the book, write 1-2 paragraphs).
2. Describe the connection between online pornography and erectile dysfunction. Provide an explanation detailing the steps men need to take to know whether they are sexually dependent on pornography. Then, provide an explanation detailing the steps men need to take to heal their porn-related erectile dysfunction. (Base your answers on information from the film, write 1-2 paragraphs).
3. List the types of sexual behaviors normalized in online porn for men versus women. Describe the types of sexual practices boy and girls are learning while viewing online porn. Develop an argument assessing whether children exposed to online porn are sexual abuse victims. (Base your answers on information from the film and the book, write 1-2 paragraphs).
4. Define prostitution in your own words (DO NOT PLAGIARIZE). Based on your definition and the definition in the book, develop an argument assessing whether “porn stars” are prostitutes. Use examples from the film to illustrate your argument. (Base your answers on information from the film and the book, write 1-2 paragraphs).
5. Critically reflect on who benefits in society from children’s easy access to online porn. Analyze who in society benefits from sexual norms presented in online pornography. Provide an assessment illustrating whether porn viewers, porn actors, porn producers, the porn industry, or porn websites are deviant. (Base your answers on information from the film and the book, write 1-2 paragraphs).

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