Describe the develop of self in adolescence by using the following terms

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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Directions: Answer each question in detail by using Santrock, J.W. (2020). Adolescence (17h Ed). Boston, MA: McGraw – Hill Higher Education.
!. Describe the develop of self in adolescence by using the following terms:
a. self-understanding
b. self-esteem
c. self-concept
d. self-regulation
2. Discuss Erikson’s psychosocial stage of identity versus role diffusion and James Marcia’s research on
identity statuses. Why is this work important for understanding adolescent development?
3. What is gender? How has this construct been viewed historically and cross-culturally?
4. Are men from Mars and woman from Venus as John Gray suggests, or are men and women more
similar than dissimilar? What does Janet Hyde have to say about gender similarities and differences?
5. Generally speaking, American adolescents are not very knowledgeable about sex. Assume you are
having a conversation with your adolescent daughter or son, what would want your teenager to
know? Why?

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