Describe the empirical research and related conclusions on this by addressing three questions.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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In drawing from the reading material, do not rely too heavily on lengthy direct quotes or use of the exact (or nearly exact) language used by the authors. You should directly address the question in a clear, well organized, elaborate discussion that demonstrates good knowledge of the material by correctly drawing from the assigned reading. To better demonstrate the connection between your arguments and the reading material, you should show where your information is coming from with citations and page numbers.
Here are the questions: Do one page per question
Self-control researchers have devoted significant attention to studying stability and change in self-control. Describe the empirical research and related conclusions on this by addressing three questions. First, does a person’s self-control typically remain stable over time or does it change? Second, what role does the process of state dependence play in promoting stability? Third, when self-control change does occur, what factors play a role in this?
Use only this source:
Hay, Carter, and Ryan Meldrum. 2016. Self-control and crime over the life
Course. Thousand Oaks: Sage

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