Describe the historical events or innovations that characterize the period in which the work was created

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Research the work (ALL RESEARCH IS ATTACHED, ONLY USE THIS ATTACHMENT) , the life of the author/artist, and the period. You will then be ready to create your analysis. This process of analysis will require you to discuss the events or innovations that define the historical period when the work was created, analyze a theme or stylistic characteristic of the period that is reflected in the work, and finally analyze the work’s or author’s/artist’s/composer’s contribution to the humanities.
A. Analyze the accepted work by doing the following:
1. Describe the historical events or innovations that characterize the period in which the work was created (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs).
2. Analyze how this work reflects a theme or stylistic characteristic from its period (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs).
3. Analyze the work’s or author’s/artist’s/composer’s contributions to the humanities (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs).

B. When you use sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, provide acknowledgment of source information for any content that is quoted, paraphrased or summarized. Acknowledgement of source information includes in-text citation noting specifically where in the submission the source is used and a corresponding reference, which includes the following points:
• author
• date
• title
• location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, website URL)

C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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