Describe the process whereby the owners control the firm’s management.

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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(Answer All Questions; Submit as One Essay)
Who owns a corporation? Describe the process whereby the owners control the firm’s management. Describe the main reason why an agency relationship exists in the corporate form of organization. In this context, describe the types of problems that can arise.
A firm’s enterprise value is equal to the market value of its debt and equity, less the firm’s holdings of cash and cash equivalents. This figure is particularly of interest to potential purchasers of the firm. Why?
Explain what it means for a firm to have a current ratio of .50. Would the firm be better off with a current ratio of 1.50? What if it were 15.0? Explain your answers.
As a financial manager, how might you use the results of peer group analysis to evaluate the performance of your firm? How is a peer group different from an aspirant group?
Please number each of your answers. This is very important so that I understand which questions you are responding to.
Post essay to the link below as a single MS Word attachment by Sunday at 11:59 PM eastern Time
Assignment Grading Criteria:
Thoroughly answered all of the questions: 60 points possible
Spelling/Grammar at the college level: 20 points possible
References to course material with proper APA format: 20 points possible
Total: 100 points

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