Describe the set of instructions that govern the development of the System Architecture.

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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This is for a Architecture Modeling plan
4.1 Architecture Development Approach
Describe the set of instructions that govern the development of the System Architecture. These should be included in the section that covers Applicable Documents. Describe briefly the basic approach to developing the System Architecture, including a brief summary of the major process steps, and any key attributes of the System Architecture development process that need to be emphasized.
Describe briefly the specific techniques or methodologies to be used in developing the System Architecture. If these techniques are described in detail in other documentation, reference that documentation here. If the development of specific model elements is delegated to different Integrated Product Teams (IPTs), identify the process documents that govern the development of the System Architecture within each IPT. Any such development technique guidance documents should be included in the section that covers Applicable Documents.

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