Describe the type of negotiation that will be seen in the mock negotiation – distributive or integrative

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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In 2-3 pages give a description of the type of negotiations that will be seen in a mock negotiation between China and the United Sates, the subject is about cars. The mock negotiation should be in a business setting to negotiate a business deal such as a merger between two companies, trade agreements, purchase agreements, supplier agreements, partnerships, labor unions, etc.  Include whether the negotiation seen in the mock negotiation will be distributive or integrative. Provide substantial supporting detail and include the citations in APA format on the reference page.
 Set the Stage for the Mock Negotiation
Describe the situation – What business deal is being negotiated in relation to cars?
Describe the tactics that will be used in the negotiation (e.g., location, time, relationships, bargaining behaviors).
Describe the type of negotiation that will be seen in the mock negotiation – distributive or integrative.

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