Describe two strategies you can use to improve communication with people from other cultures.

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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• Discuss why it is important to have knowledge of other cultures in order to be a more effective communicator.
• Explain some challenges to communicating with people from other cultures. Include in your discussion at least one of the following:
o Verbal communication
o Gender communication
o Nonverbal communication
• Describe two strategies you can use to improve communication with people from other cultures.
Creating and following an internal communication plan is very important, yet many organizations do not have one. For discussion this week, consider:
• What are some of the common reasons such a plan is ignored?
• Think of either a current or past employment situation that you were in. Was communication from management to employees organized, timely, and straightforward? What were some of the problems, and how did they impact you and your coworkers?

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