Describe what a literature review is and what a Table of Evidence is and why it is important.

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Keeping your Q1 topic (TELEHEALTH) in mind, for this assignment write an APA-formatted essay about conducting a literature review AND create a table of evidence – Describe what a literature review is and what a Table of Evidence is and why it is important. The Table of Evidence should contain a MINIMUM of 10 resources, and it should be an ADDENDUM TO YOUR ESSAY, following the Reference page.
Refer to the document – Critical Appraisal of the Evidence: Part III as a guide. (ATTACHED)
Complete the Table of Evidence activity by following these instructions:
Create a Table of Evidence for your scholarly project using your Modules 1 and 3 reviews of literature results. (SEE ATTACHED)
Save a blank version of your tool (as your template) in a safe place on your computer for future reference.
Enter data from ten of the most appropriate studies to support your scholarly project retrieved from your earlier searches in Module.
Do your best to make decisions about the studies at this stage of the course.

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