Describe which cranial nerves could be involved.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Read the Testing the Nervous System case study. Answer each question and create a report for the case study. Which of the test results indicated a brain injury and why? Which of the test results indicated a spinal cord injury and why? Are there any cranial nerves involved? Describe which cranial nerves could be involved. Explain why the reflexes were hyperactive and the presence of the Babinski reflex? Your report must be a minimum of 300 words. All answers should be in your own words and typed neatly using appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and APA style. Include APA citations when necessary. Must be submitted as a Word file. Submit to your instructor by 11:59 PM on the date listed in the course schedule. Notes Do not include/rewrite the questions in the assignment. Your submission must have a Turnitin similarity score of less than 20%. Remember you have 3 submissions before the due date to check your score. Submissions greater than 20% will risk earning no points with no redo option and you may be reported to Administration for academic discipline.

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