Describe who are some of the people (stakeholders) who support the claim?

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Choose one claim
For this assignment, state which claim of the following claims, you will be investigating and
answer the questions below.
Your submission must be 2-3 pages in length not including the title page or the Reference pages,
and APA writing style is expected.
You need at least 3 credible sources. Provide evidence from credible sources to support any
claim that is made.
Please be sure to use in-text citations often.
DO NOT USE ANY DIRECT QUOTES. Write this paper with a formal tone
Approximately 1-2 paragraphs each
Introduction of the topic
Briefly define the claim
Briefly define a counterargument
Describe who are some of the people (stakeholders) who support the claim?
What are the sources (gatekeepers) making this claim? How do they benefit from the clam?
Who are other interested parties for the counterclaim? How do they benefit from supporting the
Your personal thoughts on the topic.

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