Describe your agency.

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Describe your agency. Inform the reader where you work and what type of clients the agency serves. Explain the services offered/used with clients.
Provide a descriiption of the client that includes standard characteristics such as age, sex, ethnicity, and family composition.
Provide the client’s history, especially information on earlier life history. Include the details ordinarily incorporated in a clinical case study.
Describe the reason for seeking treatment and presenting concerns or symptoms.
Discuss the client’s culture, how this may be affecting his/her development, and the considerations you need to make to be culturally competent (you should include at least one reference about cultural competence/humility, as relevant to this client).
Describe at least two human behavior and the social environment (HBSE) theories and describe how they apply to effectively engaging with your client. For example, if you are working with a client with an anxiety disorder discuss how HBSE theories help you to effectively understand your client, inform your ongoing assessment and the intervention process.
Assessment: (2 pages)
In this section, you will diagnose your client. You will use the DSM-5 (APA, 2013) to apply diagnostic criteria about your client to the client’s diagnosis to demonstrate that the client meets the criteria of that diagnosis.
Please also explain the assessments that were or will be used for diagnosis and why you chose them (e.g., Beck’s Depression Inventory, ADIS, Connor’s, etc.). Also, discuss the frequency of reassessment throughout your client’s course of care and rationale (e.g., pre- and post-intervention as well as the during treatment, as it applies to your client and their needs).
Revisit your HBSE theories from your introduction and describe how they will help inform your ongoing assessment.
End this section with your client’s prognosis. Describe the client’s potential for recovery and relapse prevention and how you reached that conclusion.

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