Design a workshop for your professional environment. Prepare a 4 – 7 slide ppt

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Design a workshop for your professional environment. Prepare a 4 – 7 slide ppt or similar presentation (cover and references do not count as a page/slide.) Identify 5-7 course ideas or concepts from this week that you would like to teach during the workshop you create.
Course Text: Assigned Readings: Lewicki, R.J., Barry, B. and Saunders, D. M. (2015). Negotiation, Readings, Exercises and Cases. 7th edition, McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-786242-8
These are the readings for the ppt assignment; Week 3: Read Text, Lewicki et al, Negotiation: Section 4 and Section 5: Individual Differences, and Negotiations Across Cultures.
Make sure you use the notes section at the bottom of each slide to explain how you would introduce the slide to your family/friends/work/organization. Use at least one specific example of a conflict, or power situation and then develop it more fully. Include examples of the needs, wants and strategies to demonstrate the conflict or power situation. For example, how you would support the identification of the needs of those involved in the conflict, or power situation, and once identified, what strategies would be useful for moving forward.
I have attached the rubric for guidance on what the professor asks.

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