Design an effective UI with any technology of your choice for a business you might like to start or lead.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Designing User Interfaces 
Design an effective UI with any technology of your choice (e.g., FrontPage, Dreamweaver, or other) for a business you might like to start or lead.
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 NOTE:  You do not need to create the rest of the pages unless you want to at the moment. Your UI should consist of at least the basic webpage components including the header, navigation, content layout and footer. Although you do not need to stylize the pages yet, you can do so in preparation for next week.

Web Programming and Internet Technologies, 2nd ed. (2016). Scobey, P., & Lingras, P. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.  
Chapter 3  
In this chapter, we will identify the importance of creating a distinction between content structure and its presentation. We will also examine HTML tags and elements and the important attributes for each.
Chapter 4
In this chapter, we will identify how CSS styles are used to communicate with various browsers and how HTML elements are displayed within each platform.

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