Desiree’s baby is black because of a curse placed on her by a voodoo doctor.

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The Fallacy of Composition is when someone assumes that what is true for the part is also true for the whole. In the story “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin, Armand believes that because he is part white and part black, he must be completely black. He does not think about how he looks in comparison to other people, he only looks at himself. This causes him to judge Desiree based on her appearance, and he assumes that she is also black. 
Armand is not the only person in the story who suffers from the Fallacy of Composition. Desiree also assumes that because she is part black and part white, she must be completely white. She does not think about how she looks in comparison to other people, she only looks at herself. This causes her to judge her baby based on its appearance, and she assumes that it is also white. 
The Fallacy of Composition causes people to make false assumptions about others based on their own appearance. It is important to remember that just because someone is part of a group, it does not mean that they are the same as everyone else in that group.
The fallacy of hasty generalization occurs when someone draws a conclusion about a group or situation based on insufficient evidence. In Kate Chopin’s “Desiree’s Baby,” the protagonist, Desiree, makes several hasty generalizations that ultimately lead to her downfall. 
For example, when she first meets Armand, she immediately assumes that he is a good person because he is handsome and comes from a wealthy family. She does not take the time to get to know him or see him interact with other people; she simply assumes that he is a good person based on her own limited experience. 
As the story progresses, Desiree continues to make hasty generalizations about Armand and their relationship. She assumes that he will always love her and that their life together will be perfect. She does not consider the possibility that he may one day grow tired of her or that their relationship may encounter difficulties. 
Ultimately, Desiree’s hasty generalizations about Armand and their relationship lead to her downfall. When she discovers that he is not the perfect man she thought he was, she is unable to cope with the reality of their relationship and kills herself. While the story of “Desiree’s Baby” is fictional, it highlights the dangers of making hasty generalizations. In the real world, hasty generalizations can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. They can also prevent us from seeing the true value in people and experiences.
The fallacy of false cause occurs when someone incorrectly assumes that one thing is the cause of another. In the story “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin, false cause is used to explain Desiree’s child’s skin color. The baby is born with dark skin and the father, Armand, is outraged. He immediately begins to think that Desiree must have had an affair with a black man and that the child is not really his. Armand’s mother also believes this to be true and she tells Desiree to leave the plantation. Desiree does not know who the child’s father is, but she knows that she loves him no matter what. She decides to leave and does not look back. The fallacy of false cause is used in this story to show how quick people are to judge and make assumptions without knowing all of the facts. Armand and his mother jump to conclusions about Desiree and the child without any evidence to support their claims. This ultimately leads to the downfall of their family.
In the story “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin, the false cause is the belief that Desiree’s baby is black because of a curse placed on her by a voodoo doctor. This belief leads to the baby’s death and Desiree’s suicide. There are several other examples of false cause in the story, including the idea that Armand’s rejection of Desiree is the cause of her insanity, when in fact it is the loss of her child that drives her to madness.
The fallacy of false cause is a dangerous way of thinking because it can lead to unfair judgments and unjust actions. In Armand’s case, his false assumptions about Desiree led him to treat her unfairly and ultimately drive her away. This story highlights the importance of critically examining evidence before making any conclusions.
Part 2
A great thesis for this story could focus on the theme of social class and its impact on Desiree and her family.
In “Desiree’s Baby”, social class plays a significant role in the story and affects the characters in various ways.
Desiree is a young woman of unknown parentage who is taken in and raised by a wealthy family. She grows up not knowing her true origins, and her adoptive family never tells her. As a result, Desiree feels like she doesn’t truly belong anywhere. 
The story takes place in Louisiana during the antebellum period, when there was a strict social hierarchy based on race and class. People of color were considered inferior to whites, and those of lower social class were considered inferior to those of higher social class. 
Desiree marries a wealthy man named Armand Aubigny. They seem to be happy at first, but Armand eventually becomes distant and cruel. Desiree has a baby, but the child is born with dark skin. Armand is disgusted and blames Desiree, saying she must have had an affair with a black man. 
Desiree is heartbroken and doesn’t know what to do. She eventually decides to leave her baby and husband, and she disappears into the night. 
The story ends with Armand’s realization that he is of mixed race himself. His own mother was a quadroon, a person of mixed African and European ancestry. This revelation changes Armand’s perspective on race and social class, and he is left to deal with the consequences of his own prejudice. 
A great thesis for this story could focus on the theme of social class and its impact on Desiree and her family. The story highlights how social class can shape people’s lives in ways that they may not even be aware of. It also shows how class can be a factor in relationships, both in terms of how people are treated and how they view themselves.
Desiree is a young woman who is born into a family of lower social class. She is not given the same opportunities as those of higher social class, and she is constantly reminded of her place in society. This impacts her greatly, and she becomes withdrawn and depressed. However, she eventually meets a man who is also of lower social class, and she begins to see the world in a different light. She realizes that she is just as good as anyone else, regardless of their social class. This newfound confidence allows her to break free from her family’s expectations and pursue her own happiness.
In the story Desiree’s Baby, a lady is rejected by her husband and her neighborhood once it is discovered that her child is mixed-race. During the era of slavery, the story takes place in the heart of the South. Desiree is a young woman who is wed to Armand Aubigny, a wealthy plantation owner. Together, they had a child with dark complexion from birth. Incredulous, Armand declares Desiree to be herself a mixed-race person. She leaves after hearing his order to do so and takes their young child with her.
Dialogue, particularly that between Armand and Desiree, is used to advance the plot. The conversation is used by the author to make the characters’ inner thoughts and feelings known. Armand’s heartlessness and harshness against his wife and child expose the actual nature of the guy. It is made clear that Desiree is a sweet and compassionate woman who is heartbroken over her husband’s rejection.
The stark reality of racism and prejudice is the story’s central topic. The way Armand treats Desiree and their child demonstrates this. Because of the color of their skin, he finds them repulsive. This brings to light the systemic racism that pervaded society at the time.
It may be said that Armand Aubigny treated Desiree unfairly and with hypocrisy. Without being aware of Desiree’s past or family history, Armand falls in love with her and marries her. He doesn’t care about anything else besides her beauty and her anonymity. But when he learns that she is mixed-race, he abruptly turns against her. In addition to being adulterous, he charges her with purposefully disguising her true identity from him. He mistreats her and drives her away from their house. Because he only considers Desiree’s appearance and not her character, Armand’s actions are hypocritical. He cares less about Desiree’s happiness than he does about what other people will think of him.
It is discovered in the story Desiree’s Baby that the mother of the kid has a child of a mixed race, and as a result, her husband and the community turn their backs on her. The action of the story takes place in the deep south in the era of slavery. Desiree is a young woman who is married to Armand Aubigny, who is the affluent owner of a plantation. They eventually have a child together, a baby boy who is born with a dark complexion. Armand is astounded by the news and accuses Desiree of having a racially mixed ancestry herself. They are separated because he instructs her to leave, and she does so while taking their child with her.
The tale is advanced mostly through the use of language, particularly that which occurs between Armand and Desiree. This conversation is used by the author to expose the characters’ inner thoughts and feelings to the reader. The vicious and callous treatment that Armand metes out to his wife and child sheds light on the man’s true nature. It turns out that Desiree is a sweet and considerate person who is heartbroken over the fact that her spouse has rejected her.
The brutal realities of racism and prejudice serve as the narrative’s central topic. This is clear from the manner in which Armand interacts with Desiree and their child. Because of the hue of their skin, he finds them absolutely repugnant. This sheds light on the pervasive prejudice that existed in the culture of that era’s society.
It’s possible to make the case that Armand Aubigny is hypocritical and unfair in the way that he treats Desiree. Armand falls in love with Desiree and eventually marries her without first learning anything about her past or her family. He is just interested in her physical attractiveness and the fact that she has no name. However, when he learns that she is of a mixed race, he immediately becomes hostile toward her. He says that she has been unfaithful to him and that she has concealed her true identity on purpose from him. She is subjected to inhumane treatment from him, and he ultimately compels her to leave their house. Armand’s behavior is hypocritical due to the fact that he cares solely about Desiree’s appearance and not her character. He cares more about what other people will think of him than he does about how satisfied Desiree will be with their relationship.

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