Develop and communicate plans to utilize human, technical, and financial resources

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Course Objectives for Assignment:
Identify core knowledge and skills to understand conceptual foundations and practices within health services organizations
Develop and communicate plans to utilize human, technical, and financial resources to manage health care organizations.
Apply performance standards and the quality indicators of regulators and payers to promote quality and ensure the economic viability of a health care organization.
During Week 5 of this course, you should have shared your desired future role and your desired future healthcare setting, which was supposed to be based upon your three-to-five-year career goals. Based on your responses from Week 5, your final project will involve two primary parts as presented below:
Part 1 – Essay Page Length: Minimum One Page (Recommended 1 – 2 Pages Length)
Part 2 – Toolkit Page Length: Minimum Three Pages (Recommended 3 – 5 Pages Length)
APA 7th Edition Formatting
APA Title Page and Reference Page.
Minimum of 5 References with Correlating In-Text Citations.
Healthcare Setting and Roles – Options for Your Future Career:
Select a Healthcare Setting: (Your Desired Healthcare Setting, Based on a 3-5 Year Career Goal.) If your desired healthcare setting is not listed in the document, please feel free to share any healthcare setting that you hope to work in for your future career.
Select a Healthcare Role/Job/Function: (Your Desired Role, Based on a 3-5 Year Career Goal.) Please note that there may be different titles, as you conduct your research on your future career opportunities. The list in the document is a guide, please feel free to define your specific role with your specific desired title. Additionally, only a few Vice President and above positions are listed, but if you are already at a director, regional director, and mid-level manager level, then feel free to state the desired executive level role that you will be pursuing in the next 3-5 years.
Healthcare Settings and Roles PDF
Part 1: Your Career in Three to Five Years:
Restate Your Desired Future Role/Job and Your Desired Healthcare Setting in the essay, then write about the following items listed below:
Achieve: Share why you hope to achieve this role (Why did you select this role?)
Selection: Share why you want to work in your selected healthcare setting (Why did you select this healthcare setting?)
Requirements: Discuss if there will be any additional requirements that you will need to complete prior to seeking this role and your timeline for completing these requirements. (Are there educational, licensure, or experience requirements that must be completed prior to achieving this role?)
Professional Style: Share how your selected management type, philosophy or theory from the Week 1 information can be applied to your desired future role and healthcare setting and share a leadership style, theory, or model that you plan to embrace from the Week 5 information to your desired future role and healthcare setting. (The management and leadership styles, philosophies, theories can be different from the ones you discussed during the class, as this information should reflect your professional approach for your future career.)
Accomplish: Share what you hope to accomplish in your selected role and desired healthcare setting. (Note: Consider the type(s) of the impact that you hope to make in this role and/or setting?)
Part 2: Toolkit Application – Apply Your Future Career and Selected Healthcare Setting: As you grow in your career, you may find that having a robust managerial toolkit can help you in being a successful and efficient leader. During this course, you learned about the various functions of management with different tools, resources, publications, and materials being presented. This assignment will require you to apply your selected future role within your desired future healthcare setting to discuss the following information that is listed below. Based on your research, and using the information from the course’s “Your Managerial Toolkit: A Must-Have for Healthcare Leaders,” sufficiently respond to the following items for each weekly category below:
1. The function of Planning: Identify at least one managerial tool from the Toolkit module for week 2, include the following information:
Benefits: State the resource that may be most beneficial for your future career within your selected healthcare setting related to the planning function.
Reasoning with Application: Explain why you like this selected resource and how this resource may be helpful in your future career path.
Example: Provide at least one example of how you may utilize this resource.
2. The function of Organizing: Identify at least one managerial tool from the Toolkit module for week 3, include the following information:
Benefits: State the resource that may be most beneficial for your future career within your selected healthcare setting related to the organizing function.
Reasoning with Application: Explain why you like this selected resource and how this resource may be helpful in your future career path.
Example: Provide at least one example of how you may utilize this resource.
3. The functions of Staffing: Identify at least one resource from Week 4 include the following information:
Benefits: State the resource that may be most beneficial for your future career within your selected healthcare setting related to the staffing function.
Reasoning with Application: Explain why you like this selected resource and how this resource may be helpful in your future career path.
Example: Provide at least one example of how you may utilize this resource.
4. The functions of Controlling and Performance Improvement: Identify at least one resource from Week 6 include the following information:
Benefits: State the resource that you may be most beneficial for your future career within your selected healthcare setting related to the controlling and performance improvement function.
Reasoning with Application: Explain why you like this selected resource and how this resource may be helpful in your future career path.
Example: Provide at least one example of how you may utilize this resource.
5. The functions of Decision Making, Problem Solving, & Change Management: Identify at least one resource from Week 7 include the following information:
Benefits: State the resource that may be most beneficial for your future career within your selected healthcare setting related to the decision making and problem-solving function.
Reasoning with Application: Explain why you like this selected resource and how this resource may be helpful in your future career path.
Example: Provide at least one example of how you may utilize this resource.
6. Resources and Websites: Using the course’s toolkit under the section labeled – Information on Regulatory Bodies, Legislation, Important Healthcare Entitles, and Helpful Healthcare Links: Identify at least two websites and provide the following information:
Summarize how you plan on using these websites in your career and briefly share why you believe these websites may support you as a manager and leaders.
NB- the managerial kits is what i have taken screenshots of. It is a lot of links so I screenshot so you would see and maybe google to find it. I have also attached my week 5 assignment since this paper is a continuation of it, but you can change the healthcare setting and my future role if you have to. Please just write me a very great paper because this is my finals and I need every point.

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