Develop and describe a microeconomic model that is responsive to the service demands of your market.

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Imagine that you own a pharmacy in your area. One of your competitors launches a “We will not be undersold” campaign, which promises consumers 150 % of any difference between its prices and the advertised prices of other pharmacies. In 300 to 400 words address the following:
-Evaluate the social issues in your community as well as the economic culture that is influencing this type of pricing competition. 
-Develop and describe a microeconomic model that is responsive to the service demands of your market. 
-Based on your conclusions, how would you react to this situation, and with what business strategy would you approach this? 
-How might you apply game theory to the creation of your strategy?
Must use at least two scholarly sources formatted according to APA style.

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