Different people’s reaction of bad reviews in luxury and technology’s product

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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My topic is different people’s reaction of bad reviews in luxury and technology’s product, I need a survey to send and I will need to collect data from result of this data, so the survey is very important. I had discuss with my advisor and here is his advise:
Soto, C. J., & John, O. P. (2017). Short and extra-short forms of the Big Five Inventory–2: The BFI-2-S and BFI-2-XS. Journal of Research in Personality, 68, 69-81.
This is an article that has the way to collect data about different personalities and we can just use that.
Qualtrics flow
create dummy variables
(moderation) interaction of that dummy variable with the big five variables
also we can create 2 versions of surveys, one contains bad reviews pictures about luxury and techonology product, and one contains nothing. Once you finished, I can go send the survey and I can send the result to you and if you can do the data analysis for me for the next order it will be the best, thank you!

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