Discuss an aspect of Dr. Cummings interview that you found interesting.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Part 1
– Consider the differences by comparing and contrasting the symptoms of two different disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders. Please include diagnostic features, prevalence, development and course and associated features supporting the different diagnosis.
-Discuss different safety concerns a provider may have with patient’s diagnosed with a disruptive, impulse-control or conduct disorder. Consider how to manage safety of the patient and their family.
Part 2
Podcast Discussion- Listen to the podcast (https://psychiatrypodcast.libsyn.com/how-much-violence-is-due-to-mental-illness (Links to an external site.)) prior to doing your
Podcast: Puder, D, (Host). (2020, February 8). 072: How much violence is due to mental illness? [Episode 17]. In Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast. https://psychiatrypodcast.libsyn.com/how-much-violence-is-due-to-mental-illness (Links to an external site.)
• Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to discuss mental illness including impulse-control and conduct disorders and violence.
• Objectives: This assignment will meet course objectives 2, 8 and 9. This assignment meets module level objectives 1, 2, and 3.
• Instructions: Students will listen to the podcast as part of the required materials for Module 5. Following the podcast, students write at least 400 words, giving your overall thoughts about the podcast and answering the discussion questions:
o Give a general summary about the podcast assigned for discussion.
o What did you find most interesting about violence and mental illness in this podcast? Were you surprised about what you heard?
o Discuss an aspect of Dr. Cummings interview that you found interesting. What interested you about this? Do you agree or disagree with anything discussed on the podcast?

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