Discuss how you would properly address this as a leader and ethical professional.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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 Ethical dilemma(s): Discuss the ethical dilemma(s) you and the agency face. How does this issue affect the community?  Responsibilities of ethical leader: What are your responsibilities as a leader in this situation? Discuss how you would properly address this as a leader and ethical professional.  Impact of decision: Discuss how your decisions on this issue dealing with officers using excessive force may impact the culture of the organization.  Strategies for improvement: What strategies can you recommend that will help to improve the relationship between the community and the organization as you address this issue?  Support your work with scholarly evidence from the text or outside sources.
: Your memorandum need not follow typical APA guidelines and can be single-spaced. Include evidence from the textbook as well as at least one outside scholarly source, which should be cited in APA format at the end of the memorandum.

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