Discuss interventions for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention that are appropriate for the family

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Family Prevention Interventions and Theory
-Identify a family you know well. Do not provide the name of the family or any other identifiers regarding your relationship. Discuss interventions for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention that are appropriate for the family identified. Then choose an appropriate theory discussed this week that would be most effective for a family nurse to integrate into meeting the health care needs of that family and explain.
Your post will be checked in Turnitin for plagiarism. Responses should be a minimum of 350 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced. A minimum of 3 references are required (other than your text).
Identifying the family: [for example, it can be a Hispanic- American family from my community in the developmental stage VI (a family launching young adults). Or any other family.]
Present developmental stage of the family.
The degree to which a family is meeting the appropriate developmental task
The family history, problems
The family origins of both parents
Discuss interventions for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention that are appropriate for the family identified. Then choose an appropriate theory discussed this week that would be most effective for a family nurse to integrate into meeting the health care needs of that family and explain.
See attached lecture for better understanding.

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