Discuss one recommendation you might provide to a patient or family member of a patient for each area

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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This discussion is based on the assigned textbook reading from Lally & Valentine-French (2017) and unit presentations. Before contributing to the discussion, review the required reading and unit course activities. Initial posts are due prior to the end of day 7 at 11:59pm (EST) 10:59pm (CST).
Please provide thorough and well-developed answers for your initial post. Be sure to support your postings with specific references to the assigned readings, as well as any other relevant scholarly research you find appropriate. Provide some examples from the required text and/or an external scholarly source. You may add information from your own experiences to complement the scholarly information presented. The best initial posts are a combination of personal experience with academic support. In-text citations and references are required.
With the population of older individuals increasing, it is important for nurses to be able to educate patients (or family members) on tips for successful aging which includes physical, cognitive, and psychosocial well-being. Discuss one recommendation you might provide to a patient or family member of a patient for each area (physical, cognitive, and psychosocial) health promotion for the elderly population. (USLO 9.1, 9.2, 9.3)

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