Discuss some of the information that you uncover.

Posted: July 16th, 2022

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Think about the terms:
driving or walking or shopping while Black/Brown
DWI: Driving while Indian
flying while Muslim/Arabic
illegal (immigrant/alien) until proven otherwise
criming while white
Look up each phrase. Discuss some of the information that you uncover. Does anything surprise you? Do phrases such as these bring helpful attention to the issue they want to highlight or do they add to the division that can infiltrate discussions on ethnicity or race?Link to an article that references one of the phrases above (it can be the actual phrase itself or an individual who was approached for doing one of the actions in the phrases.)
Discussion Board Guidelines: Submit an answer to the discussion board. Each discussion board post will be between 200 – 300 words long. Refer & cite current resources in your answer.

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