Discuss the Chapter 5 mini-case A5-69 page 354 of the textbook 6th edition.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Topic 1: Industry Averages
No later than Wednesday make your initial posting to the discussion 1 thread summarizing your process and results for finding industry averages for the public corporation that you selected in Week 1. You can search using the name of your corporation and then type industry averages or search for free industry averages ratios. You may even find a comparison of your corporation’s averages to the industry averages in the most recent annual report for your corporation. How could or should advanced financial statement analytical methods using ratio and decision analysis aid in decision making?
How can the industry averages related to your selected corporation assist in the interpretation of current performance and costs management techniques? What ethical concerns and potential impacts on managerial professionals are there when their organization’s ratios are compared to industry averages?

Make an additional 2 value-adding postings in response to your professor’s and/or colleagues’ postings with postings on a minimum of 3 different days before midnight Sunday.
Topic 2: Chapter 5 Mini-Case A5-69: Process Costing in a Real Corporation
Discuss the Chapter 5 mini-case A5-69 page 354 of the textbook 6th edition. It is about process costing.
How can the process costing method assist in the interpretation of current performance and costs management techniques?
No later than Wednesday make your initial posting to the discussion 2. Make an additional 2 value-adding postings in response to your professor’s and/or colleagues’ postings with postings on a minimum of 3 different days.

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