Discuss the difference between acute kidney disease and chronic kidney disease.

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Renal Case Study
Below is the Renal case study for this week. You do not need to write a formal APA paper. Even though the assignment is not a formal APA paper, your in text citations and reference list must be in APA format. Be sure to use proper grammar and punctuation. Be sure to follow the case study rubric located under “Important Course Information.”
Submit your assignment as a Word document to the correct dropbox.
This is a two part assignment – you must discuss both questions. Please complete both parts in ONE Word document. You will upload that one document via Turn It In. (Remember, Turn It In only allows for one file to be submitted, so BOTH parts of this assignment must be in ONE Word document).
1. Discuss the difference between acute kidney disease and chronic kidney disease. Identify causes, clinical manifestations, examples of each type (acute and chronic kidney disease), and the treatment modalities for each type (acute and chronic kidney disease).
2. Discuss pathophysiology of urinary tract infections. Then develop a chart comparing and contrasting urinary tract infections in adults versus children. (Include at least 5 differences/similarities).

Be sure to utilize 3 credible references no more than 5 years old.

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