Discuss the impact of at least one idea from the Dr. Stone video that is significant to you as a future counselor Cyberspace and ethics

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Book is primary source- chapter 1-4 only
Stone, Carolyn (2017-09-13T23:58:59.000). School Counseling Principles: Ethics and Law . American School Counselor Association. Kindle Edition.
Respond to each of the following in your written narrative:
What does professionalism mean to you?
What ethical challenges will you face as a school counselor?
-being too emotionally involved
-i bring my work home with me, meaning, I come home emotionally capped and lacking patience for my own kids and family
Discuss the impact of at least one idea from the Dr. Stone video that is significant to you as a future counselor
Cyberspace and ethics:
Do you have a social media webpage (Facebook; other?)
I do NOT have social media of any type, I deleted them all about ten years ago and am happier for it. It was hard to see everyone’s “best self” on days when I myself was struggling with depression, so seeing someone be fake was extra hard. Also, the contestant comparing, it was a horrible feeling to always feel less than.
What does it say about you?
It says that I am not emotionally equipped to sit and scroll through people’s feeds and expect that in turn, I will somehow find fulfillment in my own life. WRONG.

Comment on your personal views of the value of the use of social media as a resource for school counselors.
I believe not having social media as an educator is actually a good thing because it removes any information about myself or my family that students should not typically have access to or know.
Attaching full prompt- I answered a few questions, please elaborate. Thanks

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