Discuss the impact of the various levels of government on the short-term accommodations rental business

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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In the last decade the shared economy has established itself as an alternative to more traditional lodging establishments. People from many walks of life have decided to offer different types of accommodations for rent and have achieved varying degrees of success. This semester our class will investigate the legal requirements associated with offering short-term rental accommodations in various locations in the United States.
For each location, we will examine the various state laws and municipal (county, city, town) ordinances which impact the short-term accommodations rental business. We will consider the different licensing requirements and the costs associated with obtaining appropriate licenses. Sales and other taxes will be discussed along with occupancy limits and other conditions which effect operations in specific jurisdictions.
Communities around the US have reacted to short-term accommodations rentals in different ways. Some have embraced this business model while others have sought to limit these offerings.
Each student will be assigned three different geographic areas to research for this project. Everyone should have at least one state and one county assigned. The third area might be an additional state, county, or other type of area.(San Joaquin County, CA. Joshua Tree, CA. and Texas)
Prepare a detailed report explaining the legal factors which effect the short-term accommodations rental market in each of the areas assigned. Compare and contrast the various laws, ordinances, and regulations in each area. Discuss the impact of the various levels of government on the short-term accommodations rental business. Finally propose what you feel is an appropriate level of governmental involvement in the short-term accommodation rental operations. Be sure to balance the needs of the business owner, consumers, and the communities around properties offered for short term rentals.
Paper Rubric
Length 6-8 Pages pass/fail
APA Format 10%
Introduce Areas 10%
Compare and Contrast assigned areas 15%
Impacts of Government Involvement 15%
Needs of Operators 5%
Needs of Consumers 5%
Needs of Community 5%
Third Person 5%
Grammar 10%
Level of Sophistication 20%
Total 100%

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