Discuss the kinds of discrimination legally documented immigrants to the United States experience

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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Ethnicity, Whiteness, and Religion
Use your Racial and Ethnic Groups textbook to read the following:
Chapter 5, “Ethnicity and Religion,” pages 103–131.
This chapter explores the nature of ethnicity and Whiteness, the experiences of earlier waves of immigrants from Europe, the nature of religious pluralism, and court rulings on religion.
Understanding the Native American Experience
Use your Racial and Ethnic Groups textbook to read the following:
Chapter 6, “Native Americans: The First Americans,” pages 132–159.
In this chapter you learn about early treaties and policies affecting Native Americans, contemporary policies affecting Native Americans, American Indian identity, challenges faced by Native Americans, and Native American spirituality and religion.
Review the Table of Contents in the following e-book and read any sections you find to be of particular interest:
Dennis, Y. W., Hirschfelder, A., & Flynn, S. R. (2016). Native American almanac: More than 50,000 years of the cultures and histories of indigenous peoples. Visible Ink Press.
Read the following article to gain additional insight into the experience of Native Americans.
How Native Americans shape the American experience. (2019, November 12). US Fed News Service, Including US State News.
Cultural Competency
Complete the following Capella multimedia presentation:
Cultural Competency Assessment.
Use this to self-assess your cultural knowledge, cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, and cultural action.
For this week’s discussion, please share your thoughts on discrimination and/or immigration. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Fair Employment Practices commissions or agencies function in many states. If your state has one, read about it and discuss its procedures, accomplishments, and goals. If your state does not have one, then select a state nearby that has one. What have you heard about such a commission in action in your state?
What tactics do employers use to get around fair employment practices? Why is it hard to prove their discrimination practices? Provide a resource that supports your position.
Discuss the similarities and differences of the immigrant experience for white, African American, and other recent immigrants to the United States. What explains any differences?
Discuss the kinds of discrimination legally documented immigrants to the United States experience. How does this differ from the discrimination experiences of undocumented immigrants?

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