Discuss the principal arguments put forth in the writings of those leading voices

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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PODCAST: LEADING VOICES ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For this assignment, you will review the work of the top 3 voices in your subfield and then 1 additional voice of your choice. Discuss the principal arguments put forth in the writings of those leading voices by preparing a podcast where you examine the contribution of each. You must trace the root system of political science discourse which emanates from those 3 leading voices, elements that may have influenced the work of you selected fourth voice. INSTRUCTIONS ? Length of assignment should be a podcast in mp3 format. The presentation should be 10 minutes and conform to the rubric for this assignment. o Format of assignment: APA for references. ? Acceptable sources include relevant books and scholarly articles ? Each podcast must meet the following specifications: o 30-second introduction o 30–60-second overview of what will be discussed o 5-minute presentation of the main story/prompt response o 30-second summary o 2-minute sidebar discussion of the implications of the arguments o 30-second discussion of the implications for your future exploration of your chosen subfield o 30-second closing You must submit the audio file along with a podcast script and outline. The top 3 voices in each political science subfield are: • Political Theory: J. Rawls, J. Habermas, M. Foucault • Political Institutions: A. Lijphart, G. Cox, R. A. W. Rhodes • Law and Politics: M. Shapiro, J. A. Segal, B. Weingast • Political Behavior: R. Inglehart, R. Dalton, S. Verba • Contextual Political Analysis: C. Tilly, C. Geertz, C. Ginzburg • Comparative Politics: A. Przeworski, C. Boix, C. Tilly • International Relations: R. O. Keohane, K. N. Waltz, A. Wendt • Political Economy: B. R. Weingast, A. Alesina, G.W. Cox • Public Policy: A. Wildavsky, J. G. March, R. E. Goodin • Political Methodology: G. King, N. Beck, D. Collier

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