Discuss the recent activity and how it relates to global logistics aspects from the recent reading materials

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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There are a few great articles relative to the international logistics perspective in the June 2022 edition which can be found at https://magazine.inboundlogistics.com/view/673550013/ (Links to an external site.)
I would like for you to leverage this magazine edition to find an article to write about for this discussion form and/or watch the I, Pencil video at the following link and reflect on this 1958 essay and how it relates or doesn’t relate to current times. Link:
https://youtu.be/CImysFDv5hs (Links to an external site.)
-Indicate which article in the magazine AND the video you decided to select.
-Discuss the recent activity and how it relates to global logistics aspects from the recent reading materials.
-Highlight current policies (local or federal) on the topic and any insights regarding required changes or if the policy is serving the right purposes.
-End your posting with a question you pose to others for thought.

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