Discuss what responsibilities, if any, citizens should have related to being historically informed.

Posted: June 6th, 2022

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Throughout the course, you have examined how historical events impact current events. Historians are often motivated to partly study the past because that knowledge can help us frame, compare, and understand modern problems. However, what responsibilities does an ordinary citizen have to know a particular history (such as different historical perspectives, different historical times, and different geographical regions) or to have the skills to study history effectively?
Discuss what responsibilities, if any, citizens should have related to being historically informed. For example, what historical inquiry skills might be important for a citizen to have to address current global challenges?
Think about a challenge, opportunity, event, or issue that affects your community. How might being more historically informed impact how you understand that issue or how you take action?
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
What are some benefits of maintaining compliance?
How can you make employees and managers care about compliance?
Identify a compliance training in your organization and a strategy you can use to engage employees in the training.
Imagine you work for a manufacturing company. The executives are concerned that the latest safety report shows a 20% increase in accidents. They’ve asked you to take immediate action and do additional safety training for all employees. The director of HR expressed concern and wants to conduct a needs analysis first.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
Do you agree with the executives or the HR director? Justify your perspective and provide at least 1 specific example to support your view. 

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