Discuss which theory you believe is the most effective explanation for juvenile crime and why.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Discuss which theory you believe is the most effective explanation for juvenile crime and why. Review current cases such as Casey Anthony, Jordan Brown and then determine which theory or theories best explain each situation.
Minimum 3 to 4 full pages.
Submit assignment as a Microsoft Word Document
Keep it organized.
All submissions must be written in students’ own words.
Every response must be properly cited following APA.
Grade Distribution:
Content (thorough, accurate, original, less than 30% matching as per SafeAssign): 50%
Grammar (minimal errors, proper grammar, complete sentences/paragraphs): 25%
Citations (scholarly source, properly formatted citation to APA): 25%
The APA rules that must be followed are:
Title page
Running Head Header on the first page
Headers on all other subsequent pages
In-text cites for all material referenced
Reference list / page
Fonts must be Times New Roman 12

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