Discuss your experiences with the endings of relationships: Have they been positive/negative?

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Please engage in critical thinking while you are reading and thoroughly analyze the material. Making connections between what you already knew, what you learned, and what you still want to learn is important.
Please discuss the following in 150-200 words:
-Given what you read in the chapter, discuss two specific evaluation tools/methods that would be appropriate to use with your movie client. (Real women have curves) Include why these methods/tools are appropriate and how you would use them in your evaluation of the intervention and your client’s progress. Required reading
Sheafor and Horejsi (2015)
Chapter 14
-Discuss your experiences with the endings of relationships: Have they been positive/negative? Do you tend to avoid the ending and/or shut down? How comfortable are you with talking about the end of a relationship with the person?

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