Do Americans continue to strive for or believe in these ideals?

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a history question and need support to help me learn.Readings for AssignmentFor this discussion board assignment, students are required to read a short excerpt from Theodore Roosevelt’s 1900 speech entitled “The Strenuous Life.” ATTACHMENT Instructions1. After reading the speech, please post an original response to the series of discussion questions below (250-300 words discussion post).2. Respond to classmates post 100-150 word post EACH. Discussion Questions1. According to Roosevelt, what does the United States have a duty to advance in the world and how is the United States supposed to advance it? How does he describe the relationship between a nation’s people and its character? Use evidence from the speech to back up your assertions. 2. In what ways does Roosevelt’s speech justify American imperialism in the late 19th-century? Use evidence from the speech to support your assertions. 3. Are the ideas expressed by Roosevelt (that the U.S. must continuously advance its ideals and principles) still popular in American culture today? Do Americans continue to strive for or believe in these ideals? Explain.
Requirements: Discussion post PLUS reply to 2 classmates

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