Do you believe that viewing violent media leads to aggressive behavior in children?

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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JUST A LITTLE SIDE NOTES ABOUT ME: PLEASE write/create the assignment to sound as you are ME and, from my perspective as a Christian woman with a Christian worldview and beliefs in a Christian school. Please keep in mind that I have a 4.0 and need assignments that resemble that for my university. Thank you for your help, your urgency would be greatly appreciated…………………………. This is for my class called Statistics from a Christian Worldview Perspective. PLEASE FOLLOW EVERY DETAIL as this is expensive and NO PLAGIARISM as I do run it through multiple sources for plagiarism and grammar. MY PROFESSOR SAID: “Our society is media-driven. We spend more hours in front of the television, playing video games, or searching the Internet than at any previous time in history. Although the media has always played a role in influencing social behavior, modern media has become more sexualized and violent, with declining censorship. Observational learning is learning through imitation, and the media is promoting negative, as well as positive, behaviors by what it is modeling to our youth..”
ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS: {Book included in attached files} Read Module 25: Do the Media Influence Social Behavior of your text.
Watch a summary of Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment. (Links to an external site.)
Prepare to discuss what effects media like television, the Internet, and video games have on individual behavior. Ensure the following points are addressed:
Do you believe that viewing violent media leads to aggressive behavior in children? Explain your answer.
Identify 3 reasons researchers propose why violent media may promote aggressive behavior
Identify a media source (TV show, video game, etc.) that you believe promotes pro-social behavior in children and explain your reasoning.

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