Does it appear that there is broad support for change across all political lines? Explain.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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These are the questions
Open the dataset of NYREFORM (attached) and read the case entitled “A Bipartisan Agenda for Change” in its entirety at the end of Chapter 12.
Use descriiptive statistics to summarize the data and make your preliminary conclusions about the independence of the response and party affiliation for each of the three questions in the survey.
With regard to survey question 1, test for the independence of the response and party affiliation. Use α= .05
With regard to survey question 2, test for the independence of the response and party affiliation. Use α= .05
With regard to survey question 3, test for the independence of the response and party affiliation. Use α= .05
Does it appear that there is broad support for change across all political lines? Explain.

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