Does it specifically ask you to apply a certain models, frameworks, or mustard covered in the course?

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Primary case questions, in general, are asked to enable you to apply course material to the case at hand. Read the questions carefully. Does it specifically ask you to apply a certain models, frameworks, or mustard covered in the course? Does it ask a question where a framework in the course would allow you to answer it well? In general, you will earn more points by applying relevant course concepts. This is not the place to just “wing it” and answer the question off the cuff, based on gut. APPLY the course materials to demonstrate your understanding of them and how to apply them.
FORMAT: 3 pages max (unless otherwise stated) with one inch margins, Times 12 font, 1.5 line spacing; SUBMIT: through Canvas>Assignments:
1) Conduct a Porter’s Five Forces Analysis on the specialty coffee shop industry. What does this say about industry attractiveness?
2) What industry dynamics has this industry witnessed over the years? What does your analysis suggest about the future of this industry, and the future of Starbucks?
3) Does Starbucks have a distinctive core competence? Does Starbucks have a sustainable competitive advantage? Defend your choice.
4) When considering Starbuck’s value chain, what key activities does Starbucks conduct that seem to add the most value?
5) How is Starbucks trying to grow in the future? What are its biggest challenges?
6) What recommendations would you give the new Starbucks CEO, Kevin Johnson, to address the challenges identified in the question above? Be specific.
Please refer to this video and answer and even the document I have provided. 

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