Does my topic demonstrate awareness and understanding of my audience through audience analysis?

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to share ideas and information with your audience by describing and explaining the controversy that is your topic. Through this speech, you will have the opportunity to “teach” your audience something. Therefore, this speech should inform the audience on your topic as if they knew nothing of the topic, while developing its significance to them specifically, and at a depth that we will find truly educational.

Descriiption: This speech should be 5-7 minutes in length. This is your first formal, graded speech and a copy of a comprehensive preparation outline, featuring 2-4 main points, are required. These are due on the day before you are scheduled to speak, but I encourage you to email me a draft early enough for my feedback. In addition, at least five references (listed in the “References” section and cited in either MLA or APA style only) are required for this speech. At least three of these sources must be verbally cited within the speech as supporting material for any claims that are made or data that are offered. No more than one internet source may be used.
This speech will be live in class. More information about this process will be presented in class.

Evaluation: This speech is worth 10% of your course grade. The preparation outline is worth 5% of your course grade. Please remember that we practice extemporaneous speaking, not manuscriipt presentation. Your speech will be graded on content, organization and delivery. Some questions to ask yourself are:
Does my topic demonstrate awareness and understanding of my audience through audience analysis?
Does my introduction capture the attention of my audience and provide a clear statement of my thesis and preview my main points?
Is my speech well organized and easy to follow with smooth transitions?
Do I support my points with adequate supporting evidence?
Do I present the information in a well-articulated manner with a strong delivery style?
Do I restate my thesis and clearly signal my conclusion?
Do I remember that my purpose is to inform, not to persuade?
Have I developed my “key-word” presentation outline?

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