Does our dependence on the technology make us more susceptible to threats?

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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Chapter 9 covers two topics: Transportation and Communication. This week’s assignment discusses communication – specifically the internet. In the past 20 years, mainstream society has integrated with technology. This video asks the simple question, can we now survive without computers, internet, and technology?
After reading the chapter and watching the following video and write a 500 to 750 word short analyzing the video and aspects of the internet as related to our economy. You may want to consider the following points and include your personal opinions:
Are we over-dependent on the internet?
Does our dependence on the technology make us more susceptible to threats?
Are we (overall) more or less intelligent, hard working, better as a result of our integration with technology?
Could you survive any prolonged period of time “unplugged?”
Video: Disconnected: A Month Without Computers

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